Cleaning up after a storm rolls through Hollywood, Pompano, Sunrise, Fort Lauderdale, Plantation, and the surrounding areas is important to keep things moving, and your business open. While you are doing cleanup both inside and outside, make the call to Commercial Roofing Industries and have our team come out to inspect your commercial roof for any needed repairs. Some repairs will be obvious, while others can be hidden or hard to notice unless you know what you are looking for. It is the hard to find or hidden issues that can end up being some of the most costly repairs, or even lead to a full roof replacement if things have been going on for a long time. Don’t take any chances by bringing in our team for all of your commercial roof repairs after the storm.
It All Starts with Identifying The Problem Areas
Once the storm has passed, it is important to do an inspection of your building, including the roof area, to find any issues that have appeared due to the storm. You might be seeing parts of your building or roof that are obviously damaged, but there could be other parts of your commercial roof that may hide damage. Only a proper roof inspection will find these, and once we do, we can develop a plan to provide you with commercial roof repairs to address the storm damage.
Sometimes the damage done is such that immediate temporary fixes are required. We will have materials with us to affect these temporary fixes so that no further damage will occur until we get back for the needed commercial roof repairs. We can also provide you with information that you can take to your insurance provider to file a claim after the storm, as damage caused by the storm.
Roof Inspections Find Needed Repairs
It might be tempting to just head on up to the roof yourself and do an inspection. This is a good idea, so that you can remove debris and other things that shouldn’t be up there. But there are signs that most building owners aren’t aware of that can indicate that there is damage underneath, or that the roof membrane is failing and needs repairs or replacement. It makes a difference when you have a set of experienced eyes to review your commercial roof for repairs.
The storms we have in Hollywood, Pompano, Sunrise, Fort Lauderdale, Plantation, and the surrounding areas are no joke with the driving rain and high winds. These storms can cause all kinds of damage, and commercial roof repairs found after a storm will help to keep your building secure for the next storm. Contact us today at Commercial Roofing Industries to schedule your post-storm inspection and find those areas needing commercial roof repairs while they are still small.